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Do you know that initially the Internet was only for military and giant educational institutions? Well, now you know!  So back then when there was no internet, how people advertised? How did they sell their products? And how some of the company in a non-digital era emerged as a tycoon? Traditional advertising pal!

It’s shocking that nowadays only a few digital marketers know about traditional marketing, very few of them. If you ask anything regarding the traditional media in the hall filled with marketers, they will remain silent. Even they will start seeing each other like, ‘hey I didn’t read history so I don’t know about ancient things!’

You may be thinking, what’s the point in knowing things which are of no use now. But, that’s the point – Traditional media is still an effective medium capable of driving sales and creating a brand value. Going with flow doesn’t set your apart, but when you do things differently you automatically stand out. Using every resource and medium you have, increases your chances of reigning supreme.

If you are a local business owner willing to take over the local market or a medium level business owner, trying to expand your business on a national level than a perfect blend of traditional and digital marketing is what you will require.

There are many types of traditional media that are still effective and can provide your fruitful results, the best ones are:

Hoardings: – Hoardings are basically for branding purpose. You will only have a few seconds to deliver your message before the person driving his car will take off his eyes. So a catchy and hard-hitting concept is what you will require.

Tip:- For best results create an out of the box concept that relates directly to your product and implement that concept in most appealing and enticing way.

Radio: -Radio has a loyal listener base because of its entertaining programs along with music numbers. You might have realized that the same song you play on your phone or home-theater doesn’t sound that interesting as compared to when it is been playing in radio. Imagine the type of attention your ad will get when played just after a person favorite song.

Tip:- Your jingle must be hard hitting and should compel users to think twice after hearing your ad. IT shouldn’t be more than 20 seconds and mustn’t sound like an ad.

Newspaper: – It’s still one of the best print media. An ad in a newspaper gives you a far reach and if your ad is appealing, you can actually generate a lot of sales.

Tips:- People are scanning through news and suddenly see an ad that’s just offering what they were searching for. They will then call you directly or at least remember your name. You can expect direct conversions from newspaper ads.

Television: – This is the costliest medium to advertise in. However, it payoffs the huge money it warrants. An ad in television makes your brand look authoritative and that’s the USP of this visual media.

Tips:- Hard hitting concept and high-quality video production  is a prerequisite.

Brochures: Brochures are serving their purpose since very long. And it works wonders, especially for the real sector.

Tip: – Use short copies delivering the core message.

Some advertising mediums can be used for branding purpose while others can fulfill all your expectations. It’s very important that you know how that medium works and how to best use them before you invest your hard-earned money.

If you are a highly ambitious business owner, then running a 360-degree ad campaign will give you an exceptional boost. It will not only generate offline sales but will also make your company a brand. It will generate a lot of clicks and searches thus escalating your online search rankings as well.

However, it’s not a replacement for SEO. You will need SEO no matter what. But I don’t think it’s much of a concern because there are many good and experienced companies offering affordable SEO services.

If you want precise information on any online advertising medium, please feel free to email us at or call (888) 736-0541 (Toll-Free)

About The Author

Dave Thompson works at, a White Label Software + Services provider for online marketing agencies.
