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If your competitors’ posts for the keywords you want to target are excellent, you’ll need to improve your own. The skyscraper technique aims to help you create more extensive content than any other posts on specific subjects.

Consider the following steps to use Skyscraper link building:

Look for the most relevant content for specific keywords –

Determine which pages have the most backlinks. Narrow down the topic for which you want to create skyscraper content. Then, do a Google search and look at the first five pages that come up. Check out the posts to get an idea of the content and page structures.

Assess the reference pages’ content –

After selecting the pages you’ll need for your reference, the next step is to examine them thoroughly. This involves reading each article and judging how detailed it is. Again, it will assist you in determining what your competitors are lacking.

Design the outline of your Skyscraper content –

Make a list of everything you want to include in your long-form content. Consider incorporating summaries to assist you in remembering critical themes inside each section. Your outline must cover every topic covered in your competitors’ posts, as well as any new information.

Start working on your content –

Three things to keep in mind while working on your Skyscraper content

  • Add visual elements
  • Choose words that are easy to understand
  • Use subheadings and titles

Look out for linking opportunities –

If your content is superior to what other websites are already linking to, those websites may wish to refer to your post instead. Write down a list of websites that link to the top competitors for your post and reach out to them.

Need help with content writing? Get in touch with our team for assistance.

About The Author

Dave Thompson works at, a White Label Software + Services provider for online marketing agencies.
