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Monthly Archives August 2012

Social Media Marketing is in full buzz these days. Right from top brands to small businesses are using this “power-tool” in one way or another. Campaigns are not always a win-win situation. Some are easy to execute and can create an uproar by generating a massive return on investment (the #BeatCancer holds the Guinness World Record for the “Most Widespread Social Network Message with 209,771 unique mentions. ” The campaign earned over $70,000 for various charities). And campaigns if not designed and effectuated properly, can fail horribly (remember General Motor's SUV “create your own advert” Viral Marketing Campaign wherein the environmentalists created negative ads!)

What do you use your analytics profile for? To check traffic, query volume, referral sources, Adwords campaigns or to find top pages and content? Many SEO's primarily use analytics to track this information. But the deal here is, how many of us use this information, or let us say how many use analytics to amplify their SEO strategies?

YouTube is the second largest search engine and is used to share tens of thousands of news stories and interviews daily. Have you ever thought how a video gets viewed on YouTube, or let us say how does it get 'ranked' on Youtube for the people to view it? So, if a video has over 40,000 views, but with no comments will be ranked high? Or, a video with only 10,000 likes but favorited many times will be ranked higher? Or how about a video that has over 200 inbound links? So on and so forth. What really counts (factors, per say) in determing the ranking of YouTube videos?

With remarketing with Google Analytics, you can follow up with people who have already visited your website. This new tool will allow adwords users to create their remarketing lists based on certain visitors who may have shown interest in your website. It will show relevant ads across the Google Display Network. Remarketing, will certainly prove to be a powerful way to reach the right people with the right message.

Every business caters to a certain section of potential customers. Many customers read the content (about you/your company) available on the web, before associating themselves with you. To do all this, Google Adwords provides some really helpful tools. Till now you were able to target keywords, to show your ads on relevant webpages. But now, you will be able to target topics ( yes, Topics! ) to promote your ads and brand name.
